

Cities are being cleared of TPLF forces. Strategic areas have been taken over by the Defense Forces. The 5 week TPLF Aura jump is coming to an end. The central city of Gashena is liberated. The city of Delantawa is also under Ethiopian control. Recently, their master helped her, slaughtered a lamb, and ate a roast beef, which relieved heranxiety. #TPLFISATERRORISTGROUP 🍃 click  By the way, their master and some TPLF warlords escaped for a while. There was a black cloud over the ground, but there was an opportunity for the Air Force to set fire to their convoys. #TPLFISATERRORISTGROUP  🍃 click  Areas affected by the TPLF's brutality and looting, such as Arbit, Steish, are breathing a sigh of relief today. Ethiopian forces continue to write history and clean up the TPLF. Lalibela is seen in the distance. Mersa, Urgesa are already free. #TPLFISATERRORISTGROUP  🍃 click  The TPLF, which has been holding a section in Woldia, is looking for Mary's way. In cutouts, the gel is...

ወያኔ_የቤተ_ሣጥናኤል (Church of Satan)አምላኪዎች ናቸው

# ወያኔ_የቤተ_ሣጥናኤል (Church of Satan)አምላኪዎች ናቸው  The end justifies the means.› በድምሩ ከአምስት ሚሊዮን ሕዝብ የወጡ ‹ጥቂት›የትግሬ ገዢዎች የ110 ሚሊዮን ሕዝብ ዕጣ ፋንታ ይወስናሉብሎ በሰው ልጅ አእምሮ ማሰብ የሚቻል አይደለም ነበር ፡፡ ነገርግን ይሁን ያለው ከመሆን አይዘልምና እየተገረሙ የዓለምን አካሄድ በትዝብት ከመቃኘት በስተቀር ምንም ማድረግ አይቻለንም፡፡ በብሂልህ “ቀን የሰጠው ቅል ድንጋይ ይሰብራልትል የለም? ወደህ ተሰደድህ ? ወደህ ትራባለህ? ወደህ ሀገር አልባ ትሆናለህ? አብዛኞቹ የዓለም ቢሌነሮች እነማን ናቸው? የዓለምን ትልቅ ሥልጣን በእጅ አዙርና በቀጥታ የተቆጣጠሩት እነማን ናቸው? ወዴት እየነዱህ ነው? ወደ ጥፋ ወይንስ ወደ ልዕልና? በኢትዮጵያስ ያንን ዓለም አቀፍ ነፀብራቅ ቁልጭ ብሎ እያየኸው አይደለምን? ዘመኑ የጥቂቶች ነው ወዳጄ ልቤ፡፡ ሁሉን ቢያወሩት ሆድ ባዶይቀራል፡፡እንደውነቱ ውሸት የሚናገር ሰው በሥቃይ ውስጥ ያለ ነው፡፡ እውነትን የሚናገር ሰው ግን በሥቃይ ውስጥ ላለመኖር የቆረጠ ሰው ነው፡፡ እውነትን በመናገር ብዙ ነገር እናጣለን፡፡ከቅርብ ጓደኛና ዘመድ ጀምሮ የምናጣው ብዙ ነገር ነው – በዓለማዊ አስተሳሰ መብል፣መጠጥ፣ ድሎት፣ሥልጣን፣ፍቅረኛንና የትዳር አጣማሪን ሳይቀር ብዙ ነገሮችን ልናጣ እንችላለን፡፡ ሀሰት መታወቂያዋ በሆነ ዓለም ውስጥ ስንኖር እውነትን ለመናገር ከቆረጥን እንደዕብድ ልንቆጠርና በውግዘት ከአካባቢናዐከማኅበረሰብም ጭምር ልንገለል እንችላለን – ያኔ ሃይማኖት፣ባህል ወግና ልማድ የተባለው ይበልጡን በውሸት የተቃኘው ማኅበራዊ ሥርዓት ሁሉ ይከዳህና ከሕገ ወጦቹ ጋር ሲወግንብህ መግቢያ ቀዳዳ ታጣለህ – ደግሞም ያኔ የምትኖርባት ዓለም የሀሰት እንጂ የእውነት መገለጫዐእንዳልሆነች ...

ብላቴናው ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን

ብላቴናው ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን እኔ በሠው ነገር አልጠቁር አልከሳ የሠዉ መዉደድ ይስጥህ እንደ ቴዲ ካሣ። #እድለኛው_ጎንደር_ዩኒቨርሲቲ!!! ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን ኢትዮጵያና ኢትዮጵያዊነት እንደማተቡ የሰረጸው፣ኢትዮጵያን እልቡ ላይ የተነቀሳት፣የሀገር ፍቅርና መውደድ ሞልቶት ጢም ያለው፣በሙያ ቅቡልነቱም ሀገሩን ተሻግሮ አህጉር አቋርጦ በዓለም ላይ የናኜ ጠረፍ አጥ ድካ አልባ ሙያተኛ ነው፡፡ ብላቴናው ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን በሀገር ፍቅሩ በሙያ ክብሩ በሀገሬው ልብና ልቦና ዘልቆ ጠልቆ የገባ ጠቢብ ጥበበኛም ነው፡፡ ምኑም የሚሰምርለት ሙዓዘ ዜማ ሣልሳዊው ቴዎድሮስ ሙዚቀኛ ብቻ ሣይሆን እሱ እራሱ ሙዚቃ ነው፣የደረበው የጥበብ ካባ የደፋው የተሰጥዖ አክሊልም ሞገስ አጎናጽፎታል፤ይህነቱን ለመመስከርም ሳር ቅጠሉ ድንጋይ አፈሩ ተፈጥሮ ሙሉ አንደበት አላቸው፡፡ ቴዲ አፍሮ የሙዚቃ ልዑል የጥበብ ራስነቱ ብቻ አይደለም የሚስደንቀው፤ይለቁንም በወጀብ የማያናወጽ ብርቱ፤ግፊቱም የማያንገዳግደው ጽኑ መሆኑም እንጂ፡፡የሠብዕና ልዕልናውም ከከፍታው እንዳይወርድ አድርጎታል፤ይህም ለጥበብ አንቱነቱ በወል እንድንስማማ አድርጎናል፡፡ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን እሱ ስለፍቅር በፍቅር አቀንቅኗል፣ስለተፈትሮ ተቃኝቷል፣ታሪክን ከምሩ ዘክሯል፣በተልይም ስለሀገር አንድነት በአያሌው ሰብኳል፣ስለዕምነት በጥበብ አዚሟል በዚህም ምንቀረሹ ቴዎድሮስ ሙዚቃ ጥበብን አልዕሏታልም፤፤ ልጁ ከጥበብ ጋር በክብር የተጋባ ጉድኝቱም የሠመረለት አክብሯት ያስከበራት ክብር የሚገባው ክቡር ሰው ነው፡፡ ይህንን ሰው ያከበረ እንደምን አይከበር፤እናም ለእኔ ጎንድር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ዕድለኛ ነው ከብዙ ሳይንስ ተመራምረው ማህበረሰብን አጥንተው ዶክትሬት ካገኙ ግን ቡዙ ህይወታቸውን ጥላቻ እና ቂምን ከሚዘሩ የፍቅር ጠላቶች ይልቅ የቴዲ የክብር ዶክትሬት እጅግ ዋጋ ...


#Change_Your_Thinking There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking.        Once upon a time there was a woman, about 30 years old, married with two children. Like many people, she had grown up in a home where she was constantly criticized and often treated unfairly by her parents. As a result, she developed deep feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. She was negative and fearful, and had no confidence at all. She was shy and self-effacing, and did not consider herself to be particularly valuable or worthwhile. She felt that she was not really talented at anything.         One day, as she was driving to the store, another car went through a red light and smashed into her.When she awoke, she was in the hospital with a mild concussion and complete memory loss. She could still speak, but she had no recollection of any part ...
CH-8-Think Like a Genius Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they might be. Don't merely dream - but create! - Maxwell Maltz You are a potential genius.Your amazing brain has more than 18 billion cells, each one of which is connected to and interlinked with as many as 20,000 others. This means that the number of possible thoughts you can think is greater than all the molecules in the known universe.         You have the capacity to learn at incredible rates and to retain more information than you can even imagine. It is said that ''when an educated person dies, it is as if a library burned down.''  This potential library is contained between your ears.  THE ORIGINS OF WEALTH Throughout human history, value has been contained in land, labor, capital, furniture, fixtures, machinery, and other hard assets. Wars and revolutions have been fought over their con...